Post by GGFan on Jan 15, 2006 1:11:01 GMT -5
Type/s: Normal
HP: 523
Attack: 318
Defense: 228
Speed: 158
Special: 228
Weaknesses: Fighting
Snorlax is pretty much the common standard in every generation of play.
Set 1
Body Slam
Hyper Beam/Counter
Ah yes, Snorlax. Arguably the best sweeper in the game. A very nice 318 attack packed with all the things a physical sweeper would need AND the ability to Selfdestruct. Explosion would be TOO powerful, haha. Anyways, strategy is simple. Bring Snorlax out whenever you want, Snorlax can be played whenever to be honest and then use what you have to use. Selfdestruct when you can't go on or predict the switch to Gengar by EQing or Golem/Rhydon by Surfing. Personally, I perfer EQ because it has wider type coverage and still hits Rhydon and Golem for almost 40%. Snorlax has bad defense and special but it's tremendous 523 HP makes up for it so it can take hits as well. Counter can work for a surprise but you have to ditch Hyper Beam and it's a one shot deal really. It's Selfdestruct OHKOs almost every Pokemon in the game except for rocks, Tauros, Mew and Mewtwo to my knowledge.
Set 2
Ice Beam
Amnesialax. Not very popular anymore, I used to see this used more in early 2003. Basically you play this like you'd play a Slowbro. Snorlax has the defenses and no electric weakness to pull this off. Amnesia up and boltbeam things, Rest when you get weak. The main problem with this set is that you wont be OHKOing things that take neutral damage from both, so physical attacks can get their licks in. Chansey will stall you and force an Ice Beam war and then you have exploders. Those damn exploders.
Set 3
Body Slam
SamGLax, SamG was the one who thought of this particular set. It's the closest thing to a stallwar your going to get, depending on what's out there to combat this set. Only luck counters this, unless the opponent has a ReflectZam, Slowro or Exeggutor, it would be a good idea to switch out. Otherwise, this set can maul teams granted your Reflect is up when something can explode. In the hands of a good player, this set is just as good as the other two, possibly better than AmnesiaLax too. Body Slam is your mainstay move, EQ hits Gengar while Surf can mess up rock types more, though I personally recommend EQ more. Selfdestruct is sort of your "shit i just cant do anymore" or "shit i just cant set up" move.
Body Slam
SamGSCLax. This Snorlax set is effective for three very important reasons. The current metagame doesn't really see or use this set. You can set up way too easily as a result. For example, send it in after Tauros kills something, set it up against Tauros, and it is game over for your opponent unless they run sets which no one uses. That or they run Persian. You use Gengar with this Snorlax, obviously. They work well together. Gengar also counters this set, but only if you don't run Explosion. Reflect Chansey beats this set, but you can't switch in unless you predict a Rest/Reflect/Amnesia.
The second factor is that Snorlax is hell to take down. 523 is the second best HP for a Pokemon that people actually use. With Amnesia and Reflect Snorlax can really take a beating then rest it off. With the HP alone he can take 2 CH Body Slams from Tauros at average damage and then rest it off.
The third reason why this works is because of Snorlax's attack and typing. Body Slam STAB on 318 is powerful. It 3HKOs Starmie and Chansey, so it is a waiting game to kill them. Alakazam, Exeggutor, Tauros, Chansey, Starmie, Rhydon, Golem, Zapdos, and Gengar (there are more, of course), they all fall to the set. Gengar is getting outstalled because Explosion really doesn't bother it.
Of course, this is not a full proof set. Some things can counter it. Chansey with Reflect will run Snorlax out of moves. Reflect Starmie does the same. Rest Rhydon can do this too. Gengar without Explosion outstalls this. Persian beats it. Again, using Gengar on your own team is not a bad idea. Other than that things get outstalled by Snorlax. Of course, no one really uses these things, and that is one of the reasons why this Snorlax is so good.
The most common set is the physical set because it can be used from the get-go. Snorlax is standard because it's arguably the best sweeper in the game with Tauros. Snorlax is awesome and I definitely recommend putting it in your standard teams as it can do everything you'd want a physical sweeper to do. Sure it's tied with Parasect and Lickitung for slowest Pokemon in the game but thats only a small price to pay for being able to Body Slam, Hyper Beam, EQ, SELFDESTRUCT, take physical and special attacks, serve as a boltbeamer and having nice stability against physical and special attacks.
I dub this Pokemon...............Standard
Copyright ©2005 The Alternative. All rights Reserved.
HP: 523
Attack: 318
Defense: 228
Speed: 158
Special: 228
Weaknesses: Fighting
Snorlax is pretty much the common standard in every generation of play.
Set 1
Body Slam
Hyper Beam/Counter
Ah yes, Snorlax. Arguably the best sweeper in the game. A very nice 318 attack packed with all the things a physical sweeper would need AND the ability to Selfdestruct. Explosion would be TOO powerful, haha. Anyways, strategy is simple. Bring Snorlax out whenever you want, Snorlax can be played whenever to be honest and then use what you have to use. Selfdestruct when you can't go on or predict the switch to Gengar by EQing or Golem/Rhydon by Surfing. Personally, I perfer EQ because it has wider type coverage and still hits Rhydon and Golem for almost 40%. Snorlax has bad defense and special but it's tremendous 523 HP makes up for it so it can take hits as well. Counter can work for a surprise but you have to ditch Hyper Beam and it's a one shot deal really. It's Selfdestruct OHKOs almost every Pokemon in the game except for rocks, Tauros, Mew and Mewtwo to my knowledge.
Set 2
Ice Beam
Amnesialax. Not very popular anymore, I used to see this used more in early 2003. Basically you play this like you'd play a Slowbro. Snorlax has the defenses and no electric weakness to pull this off. Amnesia up and boltbeam things, Rest when you get weak. The main problem with this set is that you wont be OHKOing things that take neutral damage from both, so physical attacks can get their licks in. Chansey will stall you and force an Ice Beam war and then you have exploders. Those damn exploders.
Set 3
Body Slam
SamGLax, SamG was the one who thought of this particular set. It's the closest thing to a stallwar your going to get, depending on what's out there to combat this set. Only luck counters this, unless the opponent has a ReflectZam, Slowro or Exeggutor, it would be a good idea to switch out. Otherwise, this set can maul teams granted your Reflect is up when something can explode. In the hands of a good player, this set is just as good as the other two, possibly better than AmnesiaLax too. Body Slam is your mainstay move, EQ hits Gengar while Surf can mess up rock types more, though I personally recommend EQ more. Selfdestruct is sort of your "shit i just cant do anymore" or "shit i just cant set up" move.
Body Slam
SamGSCLax. This Snorlax set is effective for three very important reasons. The current metagame doesn't really see or use this set. You can set up way too easily as a result. For example, send it in after Tauros kills something, set it up against Tauros, and it is game over for your opponent unless they run sets which no one uses. That or they run Persian. You use Gengar with this Snorlax, obviously. They work well together. Gengar also counters this set, but only if you don't run Explosion. Reflect Chansey beats this set, but you can't switch in unless you predict a Rest/Reflect/Amnesia.
The second factor is that Snorlax is hell to take down. 523 is the second best HP for a Pokemon that people actually use. With Amnesia and Reflect Snorlax can really take a beating then rest it off. With the HP alone he can take 2 CH Body Slams from Tauros at average damage and then rest it off.
The third reason why this works is because of Snorlax's attack and typing. Body Slam STAB on 318 is powerful. It 3HKOs Starmie and Chansey, so it is a waiting game to kill them. Alakazam, Exeggutor, Tauros, Chansey, Starmie, Rhydon, Golem, Zapdos, and Gengar (there are more, of course), they all fall to the set. Gengar is getting outstalled because Explosion really doesn't bother it.
Of course, this is not a full proof set. Some things can counter it. Chansey with Reflect will run Snorlax out of moves. Reflect Starmie does the same. Rest Rhydon can do this too. Gengar without Explosion outstalls this. Persian beats it. Again, using Gengar on your own team is not a bad idea. Other than that things get outstalled by Snorlax. Of course, no one really uses these things, and that is one of the reasons why this Snorlax is so good.
The most common set is the physical set because it can be used from the get-go. Snorlax is standard because it's arguably the best sweeper in the game with Tauros. Snorlax is awesome and I definitely recommend putting it in your standard teams as it can do everything you'd want a physical sweeper to do. Sure it's tied with Parasect and Lickitung for slowest Pokemon in the game but thats only a small price to pay for being able to Body Slam, Hyper Beam, EQ, SELFDESTRUCT, take physical and special attacks, serve as a boltbeamer and having nice stability against physical and special attacks.
I dub this Pokemon...............Standard
Copyright ©2005 The Alternative. All rights Reserved.